
This collaborative project is inspired by the way internet memes start with a simple image (or video, or some other visual unit) that is then remixed by a lot of people who are spread out geographically. The project tries to capture this diffuse, spread out authorship. The twist here, though, is that the “remixes” are based on an analog image printed from a woodcut — probably the oldest method of producing multiples. The original image, entitled “Calm Waters”, was part of a print exchange between Platetone Printshop from Nashville, TN and Red Delicious Press from Denver, CO. The image is 13×20″, printed on 15×22″ sheets.

Calm Waters 2012. Woodcut, unlimited edition. 13x20" Calm Waters2012. Woodcut, unlimited edition. 13×20″ 

In the first phase of this project, I created several new versions of this image from the extras from the edition. In the next phase, several other artists have been invited to create new works based on this image. Below you can find some of these remixes, organized in 2D, 3D, and video categories.





